Sunday, September 12, 2010

reflection on the film Hero

Thus far in our Eng 282 Film Studies class, Hero was by far my favorite. After reflecting on the film for a day or so it is clear to me that this was for many reasons. Before watching the movie in class, I admit, I had originally racked up a list of reasons of why I wouldn't like Hero. Being that the film was set in a different country and based on a completely different culture, it was obviously not going to be in English, and I had prepared myself to not be able to easily follow along. I also was apprehensive about it being a martial arts film, and was worried that overall it was simply going to be too much for me to follow; I was quickly surprised to realize my suspicions were not the case at all. Despite my prior judgments of the movie, I found the film to be very easy to become engaged in. This was mainly due to three reasons: the special effects, the intensity, and the outcome that was not expected.

Personally, I give most of the credit of why I was able to enjoy Hero to the outstanding special effects throughout the film. I feel as though without the special effects, I would have dwelled too much on the film being a different language and trying to keep up with the subtitles. However, the special effects caused me to just go with the film and really be able to enjoy it. The fighting scenes within the movie, most of which were where we saw the special effects in their glory, didn’t even require subtitles because the sword fighting and swift movements of the characters spoke for themselves, which was a huge aid in being able to easily follow along. This would not have been possible without the special effects.

As briefly mentioned earlier, I also believe that the intensity of the film is a great aspect and reason as to why I enjoyed the film so much. It could be possible that this has to due with the special effects as well, but I considered the intensity of the film so high because it kept me “on my toes.” It flowed very well, and even in the scenes where there was not a lot of action going on, I still found myself very into what was going on because I was engaged in keeping up with the story. I feel that the way the story was told aided to the intensity of the film because it was going back and forth between the past and the present time.

The way that the movie ended, to me, seemed to be a surprise ending. Although looking back it makes sense, but leading up to it I feel it was expected that the king would have been killed. I also feel that the way the movie ended gave a great theme to the movie, that being about the importance of following a leaders judgment and being for people to realize the importance of peace, and honoring the people who give up their lives to keep and promote peace.

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